What to MINE after Ethereum POS ETH 2.0

Can I mine Ethereum after ETH POS?

The answer is – No!!!

Ethereum developers have made a final decision to switch to POS (Proof-of-Stake)


What Can I Mine With GPU After Ethereum 2.0 – ETH POS?

Every year miracles happen in the crypto world and small coins explode by thousands of percent due to their proper development. Sometimes it is good to mine a low hash coin with low network difficult because you will get more coins per day. If you see great potential in the development of a coin the current price during mining sometimes is not so important.

Maybe most big miners will focus on the most profitable coin after Ethereum POS, which is normal, but it’s good to be familiar with the characteristics of the coin you are mining.

In the following table I have collected a few coins that may be the target of ETH miners after Ethereum POS.

Make your own research!

Depending on your screen size, you may need to scroll the table to the right or left

What to MINE after Ethereum POS 2.0

Specification / Coin
Launch DateJuly 31, 2015January 3rd, 2018January 10, 2014July 1, 2019January 3, 2019October 31, 2014January 28, 2018
Max Supply210,700,00021,000,000,00084,000,00097,739,924262,800,00021,400,000440,000,000
GPU Mining+ 3 GB GPU+ 4 GB GPU+ 2 GB GPU+ 3 GB GPU+ 4 GB GPU+ 5 GB GPU+ 3 GB GPU
Easy Mine & GameNoNoYes - Mining VTC while gaming with Vertcoin's One-Click MinerNoNoNoNo
Block Time13 seconds1 minute2.5 minutes2 minutes1 minute2.5 minutes2 minutes
Initial Rewards5 ETC / block5,000 RVN / block50 VTC / block75 ERG / block80 BEAM / block50 FIRO / block150 FLUX / block
Current Reward2.56 ETC / block2,500 RVN / block12.50 VTC / block63 ERG / block40 BEAM / block12.5 FIRO / block75 FLUX / block
Last 30 Days510,426 coins108,000,000 coins216,000 coins1,360,800 coins1,728,000 coins216,000 coins1,620,000 coins
Next HalvingMay 2024January 2026December 2025every 3 monthsJanuary 2025September 2024January 2023
Next Reward2.048 ETC / block1,250 RVN / block6.25 VTC / blockdepends on the date25 BEAM / block6.25 FIRO / block37.5 FLUX / block
Then 30 Days408,340 coins54,000,000 coins108,000 coinsdepends on the date1,080,000 coins108,000 coins810,000 coins
ICO* / PreMine** / AirDrop***YesNoNoNoNoNoYes
MasternodeNoNoNoNoNoYes (50%)Yes (50%)
% Core Team etcNo, but there is a debatNo!
Fair Distribution
Fair Distribution
Yes! 10% (first 2 years)Yes! 25% (first 5 years)Yes! 15% (each block)No
Lightning NetworkNoYesYesNoNoNoNo
More Info on Coinmarketcap.comEthereum Classic marketcap and chartRavencoin marketcap and chartVertcoin marketcap and chartErgo marketcap and chartBeam marketcap and chartFiro (Zcoin) marketcap and chartFlux marketcap and chart
Official websiteethereumclassic.orgravencoin.orgvertcoin.orgergoplatform.orgbeam.mwfiro.orgrunonflux.io/
Ethereum ClassicRavencoinVertcoinErgoBeamFiro (Zcoin)Flux

The above comparison chart between Ethereum Classic, Ravencoin, Vertcoin, Ergo, Beam, Firo, Flux as photo

You may prefer the picture to this table, the information is much more easily separated and easier to read.

What coin to mine with GPU?

According to websites What to Mine, Nice Hash you could mine several cryptocurrency without ASIC in their network.

What to MINE after Ethereum POS

  1. Vertcoin
  2. Ravencoin
  3. Ethereum Classic (ETC)
  4. Firo
  5. Beam
  6. Ergo
  7. Firo

*What is ICO?

An initial coin offering (ICO) is the cryptocurrency industry’s equivalent of an initial public offering (IPO). A company seeking to raise money to create a new coin, app, or service can launch an ICO as a way to raise funds. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/initial-coin-offering-ico.asp

**What is Premine?

Premining is the act of mining or the creation of a quantity of blockchain-based tokens or “coins” before a cryptocurrency is launched to the public. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/premining.asp

***What is Airdrop?

An airdrop, in the cryptocurrency business, is a marketing stunt that involves sending coins or tokens to wallet addresses in order to promote awareness of a new virtual currency. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/airdrop-cryptocurrency.asp

Last update: 08-2022


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